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[Python] 백준 4659번(비밀번호 발음하기) 문제 풀이 본문


[Python] 백준 4659번(비밀번호 발음하기) 문제 풀이

KwonYongHyeon 2022. 11. 14. 18:35


while True:
    pw = input()
    if pw == "end":
    if "a" not in pw and "i" not in pw and "u" not in pw and "e" not in pw and "o" not in pw:
        print("<"+pw+"> is not acceptable.")
    if "aa" in pw or "bb" in pw or "cc" in pw or "dd" in pw or "eee" in pw or "ff" in pw or "gg" in pw or "hh" in pw or "ii" in pw or "jj" in pw or "kk" in pw or "ll" in pw or "mm" in pw or "nn" in pw or "ooo" in pw or "pp" in pw or "qq" in pw or "rr" in pw or "ss" in pw or "tt" in pw or "uu" in pw or "vv" in pw or "ww" in pw or "xx" in pw or "yy" in pw or "zz" in pw:
        print("<"+pw+"> is not acceptable.")
    moum = ['a','e','i','o','u']
    ima = ''
    inARow = 0
    printed = False
    for i in pw:  #rqeuya
        if i in moum:
            if ima == '':
                inARow += 1
                ima = "moum"
            elif ima == "moum":
                inARow += 1
                ima = "moum"
                inARow = 1
            if ima == '':
                inARow += 1
                ima = "jaum"
            elif ima == "jaum":
                inARow += 1
                ima = "jaum"
                inARow = 1
        if inARow >= 3:
            print("<"+pw+"> is not acceptable.")
            printed = True
    if not printed:
        print("<"+pw+"> is acceptable.")